Mobile Application

K9U is a mobile application that teaches user how to look after a dog.

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Role Developer, Designer
Timeline Feb 2018 – May 2018
Client BCIT
Tools Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

K9U is a mobile application that teaches user step by step basic and advanced knowledge on how to look after a dog in the most convenient way possible. K9 — refers a police dog, so K9U means dog university which we intended to make the app as an educational organization. This project was performed with another team member and my role was designing UI and graphic assets and developing the app.

I created a persona before making style guide and wireframe so that we could develop the style and user interface for the right target audience. After making wireframe together, another team member prepared a style guide and I made graphic assets and image mockups. While we were making graphic assets, I also started integrating visual components with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Image placeholderUser Persona

Image placeholderWireframes

Image placeholderImage Mockups